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Day Trip to Pag Island

Pag Island should definitely find a place on your itinerary if you are visiting with a car. This trip should give you one of the most relaxing experience and here are my recommendations for spending a day in Pag. This unique island is located about 30 minute drive from Zadar. It offers most interesting landscape you will see in Croatia and possibly wider.

The Look…

Half of the island is characterized by moonlike structures. You will be truly surprised by rocky surfaces with no vegetation. The other half still holds that typical Mediterranean feel. Some of the oldest olive trees grow there in the fields of the village Lun. The island is simply magnificent.

The Feel…

Pag Island has the longest coastal line of all the islands in Adriatic. Numerous beaches and bays with the crystal clean sea on the pleasant pebble beaches will satisfy everyone’s summer cravings.

The Food…

Pag is famous for the free range sheep and one of the best sheep cheeses in the world. The Pag cheese is made from the milk of the sheep which live freely in the hills of the island and are grass-fed. Similarly, Pag lamb is the most appreciated in Croatia.

How to spend your day…

You don’t need many stops to make Pag experience worthwhile. There is about 30 min drive to get to the island Pag bridge. Make this your first stop, you can stop before and after the bridge for some amazing photo time.

Continue towards the town Pag. There you can grab some morning coffee or breakfast on Pag’s riva. Even though Pag has some amazing beaches, during the high season, the beauty disappears under the crowds. So for your next stop I recommend Šimuni village beach. The beach is big enough to make the crowds disappear, has a lot of shade in the woods, few little beach bars where you can have a coffee, drinks or a meal. The crystal sea will be the highlight of your holiday.

Šimuni is perfect for a long day at the beach, and near by there is also a camp village if you want to try out some water sports, rent a paddle board or windsurf etc..

If you are up for some party, but don’t feel like really going out during the night, your next stop can be Zrče beach. This is the island’s party beach with clubs that are open daytime and night time. You can visit pool bars, such as Aquarius or Papaya. It is for a little bit younger audience, but nothing wrong with waking up that young spirit from time to time..

For the evening, you can return to the Pag town for a little walk and dinner. Pag Restaurant recommendations: Na Katine (favorite), Bodulo, Na Tale. Or just have a pizza at Genius at the town beach. Enjoy!