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How to spend a day in Zadar Old Town

Explore this guide to get:

  • self guided tour inspiration,
  • perfect tips if you only have one day to explore Zadar or
  • just ideas for what to do when visiting old town!

With over 3000 years of history, Zadar is one of the oldest towns in Croatia, but during its many wars, especially WW2 it was almost completely destroyed. During the socialism period instead of rebuilding it as it was, Tito built it into its own version of „modern“. Thats why you will find a mix of very old and very new in the town so don’t let it be a shocker. The city walls dont go all around the town anymore and the town is not an island because all of the ruins were used to fill the channel in Foša area and making it into a peninsula.

With that in mind, go and explore. Its always best if you just lose yourself around, but there are some things you shouldn’t miss. 

HERE IS MY FAVORITE ROUTE (Pack your walking shoes):


  1. CITY BRIDGE: Start by crossing the city bridge to get a feel of a route of an everyday person of Zadar.
  2. PEOPLES SQUARE: walk through the main gate and head towards the Narodni Trg, a place where locals meet.
    • Here you can find a hidden Church St. Lovre: hidden inside the Caffe bar Lovre; the first 3part church in Croatia so simply walk inside and check it out. It takes only a minute and it is free.
  3. WALK KALELARGA Street TO FORUM: On Zadar Forum you will find:
    • St. Donat Church: This is a must and it is a also a trademark of Zadar.
    • Cathedral Tower: Climb on top of the bell tower for an amazing view. The price is 2€/person which is less then the price of a beer in a bar but gives you great experience and a photo time.
    • Old Roman Forum: These are old ruins from about 3rd century. Fun to see and take photos, and it is placed right next to St.Donat.
    • Pillar of Shame: 2 of them in Zadar, one right next to St.Donat, the other near 5 wells square. It is where people were tied for  public exposure in the old days if they’ve been bad.
    • St. Mary Church and Benedictine monestary or visit to Archeological museum
    • From Forum you can go to Cathedral and then:
    • do a lungo mare walk all around Zadar University and Foša bay to pass through the Foša Gate, old Venetian Lions Gate that used to be entrance into the city while it was still an island.
  5. „5 WELLS SQUARE” Close to Foša, where people in the old days used to take water.
    • Do a park walk too and explore the area. After that you can slowly return to the Main gate (you are now pretty close) and climb on top of the Zadar City walls.
  6. ZADAR CITY WALLS: Don’t miss the walk on the city walls, it would be like you’ve never been to Zadar.
    • Climb city walls right after the gate at the bridge and do a walk towards the north west.
    • Have a craft beer at The Garden Lounge. The road will take you there and it would be a shame to miss my favorite place J Especially if you are here around 6-7-PM, you need to relax after long walk and before the Big Finish: Sunset at Sea organs.
  7. Grand Finale: Sea Organs and the San Salutation: Modern pieces of architecture made by an artist Nikola Bašić who tends to make art devoted to natural forces. Sun sets around 8:00-8:30 PM
    • Sea organs take in the sea waves which push the air through the pipes, and you can enjoy or meditate by the music played by the sea. It’s amazing.
    • The San Salutation is better at night time, as it shines all the energy collected from the sun. It looks like a giant disco floor form Jamiroquay videos J The energy is also used by the city to light the area around the Foša bay too.
  8. GO TO DINNER: You can find plenty of good food in Zadar, it really depends on your tastes, so check the trip Advisor recommendations or choose one of my favorites.

Note: When you pass this tour, next time you are in the old town just try turning  away from the main streets where you notice there is no crowd.. those may always take you in interesting directions to feel the soul of the old town, not only the main attractions.. J And JUMP into the sea from Sea Organs! Who cares!